
Our Spirit Academy’s September 30th, 2023 Graduation Processional march of our Sisterhood from Ladies to Princesses and Queens

Our September 2023 Graduation saw graduates of our Esther Spirit Academy which included all our members currently holding a Doctoral Degree marching in front, following graduating students of the Veritas Summit College, and finally, members of the Estherority Project in their crowns. It’s our intention to get every member in our program to becoming well established members in society and operating in their full potential!  This means members are placed in college, or bypassing college to receiving training in their specific fields, trained to be ordained as Ministers, Pastors, Apostles, assistance in starting a ministry, business, or a foundation, to name a few. Our ministry strives to bring you to that place where God created you to be. The place where God’s plan for you is to prosper you, and not to harm or take away from you.

The ladies are getting ready for their processional march!